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At SMA, we are dedicated to driving innovation and excellence in the oil and maritime services sectors. Our comprehensive portfolio of services, ranging from drone inspections to specialized training and advanced surveying technologies, reflects our commitment to safety, sustainability, and operational efficiency. We remain steadfast in our mission to support an eco-friendly future while delivering unparalleled service to our clients.


What We Do


Industrial Drones

SMA Drones Indusrial

SMA Drones Industrial SMA Drones Industrial Services SMA For Oil & Maritime Services Drones inspections is known as Aerial inspections, user (UAVs) to capture high resolution OGI images and data of structures, buildings, and,

H2S Safety Services

SMA Provides Protection Against Dangerous Gases We detect the most common toxic and explosive gases encountered in the oil and gas industry, including H2S, SO2, CO, CO2 and CH4. Because of the high concentrations

Maersk Training

SMA Provides Various Maritime Courses Training is the core of our business and we take pride in always delivering the highest quality and ensuring that the competences can be easily transferred from the class

Leak detection Services Optical Gas Imaging (OGI)

Gas leak detection and emissions quantification Fugitive and Early Detection Services for Oil and Gas Emissions At Various Oil and Gas Sites Fugitive and Early Detection Services for Oil and Gas Leaks Using Infrared

Phonon Diagnostics Technique (PDT)

phonon diagnostic technique(PDT) phonon diagnostic technique(PDT) SMA rents and re-rents gas and oil tankers LPG, LNG of various types and sizes Strategic crude oil transport by sea between the ports of the Arab Republic

The Non-Peggable Inspection

SMA is a Sole representative and partner of TRANSKOR, IGSAT, and Various MTM mega-companies in Egypt, which provides the survey of pipelines of all configurations, underground and submerged, while they remain working at normal

Crude Oil Transportation

Crude Oil Transporting SMA are main partner in Transportation of crude oil from the importer for the benefit of the Egyptian General Petroleum Authority from Kuwait and Iraq for the last 5 years in

EFTG Technology (Geoscience Survey Services

SMA provides eFTG survey technology to EGYPT with exclusive partnerships with international mega-American and British companies to provide gravity survey technology Exclusive global rights to Lockheed Martin’s next generation gravity

Ultraviolet Disinfection Robot Unit(UVD)

Robot Unit (UVD) Robot Unit (UVD) Model B This robot was developed for disinfection at hospitals, including operating theatres, patient rooms, corridors, and larger areas as long as the distance and disinfection time are