Maersk Training

SMA Provides Various Maritime Courses

Training is the core of our business and we take pride in always delivering the highest quality and ensuring that the competences can be easily transferred from the class room to the workplace – delivering real value in your operations. We apply action based training methods and advanced full mission simulators, and all our instructors have extensive industry experience to ensure they understand your operational context and always deliver the latest knowledge. Furthermore we combine your technical instructors with human factor and leadership experts.

What Can We Offer?

  • Minimize operational risk by testing drilling program well specific procedures in a safe environment
  • Increased productivity because of strong, team-based performance culture
  • Potentially substantial cost savings
  • Key personnel will have a solid understanding of the drilling program and the operation
  • Key personnel will be familiar with complicated areas of the drilling program
  • Training under pressure will improve crews decision-making, communication skills and situational awareness
  • Learners become actively aware of consequences of their decisions, mistakes and successes
  • Shared understanding of operational decision making in critical situations
  • Increased understanding, acceptance and retention of processes and procedures
  • Learners will gain the confidence to handle critical situations
  • Enhancing procedural discipline for the entire drilling operation
  • Clarification of unclear procedures/objectives from the drilling program authors.
  • Bridging documents will be tested and potential gaps may be identified and corrected in due time
  • Stronger perception and understanding of the procedures by drill crew
  • Increased ownership of drilling program by drill crew
  • Working together prior to drilling the actual well will build trust between operator and contractor personnel
  • Mutual recognition of competencies and increased teamwork
  • Simulations are shown to decrease training time across all industries (aerospace, healthcare, mining, etc.).
  • Immersive simulations improves the learning retention and increase muscle memory

Process safety training for Oil & Gas production enhances both process safety and performance

Process safety incidents are a part of every oil & gas operators reality. Ask yourself how many process safety related shutdowns or production losses you had last year, and what the impact on your bottom line would have been if just half of them had been avoided? Or imagine what a 1% higher output from your mature fields would do to your bottom line? Maersk Training has developed a process safety training programme for oil & gas production that can help you improve both process safety and performance.