Reprehensive To Reflex Marine

SMA For Oil and Maritime Services is an agent of Reflex Marine, which specializes in the safe transportation of personnel and equipment to and from Rigs and offshore platforms. SMA and Reflex marine hold 72% of the Egyptian market share for the personnel basket and 100% of FROG basket in the Egyptian oil and gas sector


    Designed for the most extreme scenarios and offering advanced passenger protection, the FROG-XT represents a revolution in crane transfer.

  • A range of capacities ( 2 –10 persons) to suit your operations.
  • Spring and hydraulic damping system, and shock absorbing seats mitigate heavy vertical impacts.
  • Stainless steel frame and polyethylene buoyancy panels provide protection against side impacts.
  • Easy-use harnesses protect against falling, reinforced to minimize the risk of tangled straps.
  • Ergonomically designed seating and spatial layout for passenger comfort and security.
  • Rapid change to MedEvac mode allows for quick evacuation of a casualty.
  • Standardised components across the range for simple ordering.
  • Eye-level rigging connection for easy inspection and maintenance.
  • Weld free load path and easy to change out components, adding to the benefits of the simple inspection and maintenance schedule.